Thursday 25 August 2016

Making Something Positive From Ocean Plastics With Sea Shepherd

Ocean plastics are seen as one of the greater environmental horrors of our times. Rightly so: the existence of an island of trash in the Pacific is not one of our proudest achievements.
And yet, we're also very good at turning disaster into opportunity. Particularly when there's a little bit of money to be made.

The Adidas x Parley sneaker is a prime example of the cross point between environmental activism and fashion savvy. Designed in conjunction with the Creators Base in Brazil, this light, sleek shoe has been built using ocean plastic harvested by our pals at Sea Shepherd!
Made from plastic waste found in the Maldives and illegal deep-sea gill-nets recovered by our favourite sea-pirates, the sneakers have a light, open-weave feel. Of course, they're completely recyclable and sustainable.

The Adidas x Parley is a limited edition designed as a promotion for World Oceans Day, but you could easily view it as a proof of concept for a more extensive range. Let's face it, there's a lot of plastic in the ocean that's comparatively straightforward to harvest and reuse. We should stop just seeing it as a problem to be solved, but more as an opportunity to be taken.

For once, our exploitative tendencies could be pointed in the right direction, and used to make ocean plastic a thing of the past.

Take a look at the sneakers here.

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