Thursday 22 August 2013

Common Grounds: an uncommonly good cafe!

As a writer, I understand the importance of coffee. There are days when it's the fuel that gets me running and gives me the power to write through the day. Yes, I am one of those people that regularly sits with the Mobile Blogging Solution in a good cafe with a mug of something caffeinated, banging out a screenplay, short story or blog post.

The next time I'm in Belfast, I'll make time to visit Common Grounds. They're a non-profit, that channels all the money they make into support for humanitarian causes in the developing world. To date, they've risen over £55,000 for deserving charities since they opened their doors in September 2004 (including, I'm pleased to note, money to our friends at Habitat For Humanity).

Of course, it helps that Common Grounds is a seriously good coffee shop in its own right. It's twice won Belfast Fairtrade Cafe of the Year, and the cinnamon scones are legendary. It's a hub of the vibrant Holylands district in Belfast, a place for people to meet, eat drink and enjoy, knowing that every latte is making a difference somewhere in the world.

People moan about the big-brand coffee chains, but often there's little choice but the Barstucks and Costas. It's great to see an independent place like Common Grounds doing so well, without compromising on their ethics or the morals that got them started in the first place.

I couldn't be happier that they're a client of Pier32, and I urge you to give them a go if you're in the area.

Get the full story at the Common Grounds website.

Common Grounds Cafe ordered Screen Stars Super Premium T-Shirts from us. Find out more about the range at the Pier32 product page: 

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