Friday 26 August 2011

Function Over Form

A couple of silly season items to ease us all into this damp Bank Holiday weekend.

The Ecologist features a new take on the problem of clean air in London, as we begin the inexorable count towards the 2012 Olympics. Students at the London College of Fashion have devised a dress that actually purifies the air. Made out of a new fabric that works in the same way as the catalytic converter in your car, it actually breaks down pollutants as it comes into contact with them. It's of course in the very early stages of development, and the launch is designed to spark debate as mach as showcase the garment. A whole new take on smart clothes.

Read more about Catalytic Clothing over at The Ecologist.

Meanwhile, designer Linda Loudermilk has come up with the world's first compostable bikini. Made of plant starch and designed as disposable wear for guests, the idea makes a kind of sense. When buried, the bikini will completely break down in three months. Unfortunately, the swimwear looks like a pair of bin-liners tied up with fishing wire, and I have to say that I can't imagine anyone actively choosing to wear them.

For pix and a bit more commentary on Linda Loudermilk and her clothing, won't you please step over to Ecouterre?

That's me for this week, with a slightly soggy View From The Pier. Have a great Bank Holiday, everyone!

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