Wednesday 23 October 2013

Blog Action Day: The Story Continues

It's been a week since thousands of bloggers united under a common cause, and used Blog Action Day 2013 to celebrate human rights, and to highlight the work that still needs to be done in order to halt abuse.

Over 2000 bloggers from 130 countries took part. It's a big subject, and unsurprisingly there was a wide range of coverage. From examinations of the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights, to a horrifying expose of the countries where stoning to death is not just tolerated but legal, the day had it all.

Here at The Pier we were blogging too. I talked about the work that needs to be done post-Rana Plaza to give Bangladeshi workers a fair deal: if you haven't read the piece yet, it's here.

But as part of the alliance of like-minded writers uniting under the banner of the Human Friendly Fashion Bloggers, I wasn't alone in stepping up to the plate and firing off a home run of a post. In fact, there were over a hundred of us talking about human rights in the fashion industry on October 16th. Ms. Wanda has a run-down of her favourites (I'm extremely happy to note that my piece got a mention), and there's some absolute humdingers in there.

My personal favourite was from Green Issues by Agy in Singapore, with a searing indictment of what sand-blasting jeans can do to workers. Many people don't even realise that this still goes on, and that it's casing dozens of completely un-necessary deaths and illnesses each year. Our Twitter chum Kendall from Kindness By Design used her keen eye to dig out the best human-friendly clothing around, and I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't mention the winner of the Best Human Friendly Blogger Award, which went to Mancunian Vintage and her personal account of how she became an ethical fashionista. 

The event was a huge success, and it goes without saying that I'll be back with my human-friendly colleagues next year for more of the same.

Hope you can join us. Until then, human friendly fashion blogging continues here at The Pier twice weekly, three times if I'm feeling particularly feisty.

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