Tuesday 29 October 2013

Juice Up Your Day With Fuel

Like many writers, I tend to survive on a healthy, balanced diet of caffeine, instant noodles and the gnawed nubs of my fingernails, especially when I have a deadline looming. On those odd occasions when I do emerge blinking into the daylight, it's good to get something of worth and substance down my neck.

Juice bars are a bit of a lifesaver for lazy hacks like me. Real, fresh fruit juices are a brilliant way of topping up your five-a-day without having to go through all the tedious grunt-work of chewing. I've been a regular visitor to the Fuel Juice Bar in Reading for a couple of years now for a quick blast of wheatgrass and kumquat.
Imagine my pleasant surprise, then, when I discovered that Pier32 have been supplying shirts and aprons for Fuel since 2007, and that we're helping out as the business undertakes a pretty rapid expansion from thirteen to twenty-five stores. There will soon be a bunch of new Fuel Juice Bars up and down the country including, I'm happy to report, one in Pier32's home base of Kingston-Upon-Thames. With the growth of the company comes a fresh new design and uniforms, which Pier32 were happy to supply.
It's good to see a young business doing well and pushing forward, and it's a great sign that Fuel have chosen an ethical path for their expansion by using Pier32 to supply their branded uniforms. We wish them luck, and happy juicing!

Fuel Juice Bars choose mens and womens t-shirts from Skinnifit, soft-shell jackets from Russell Jerzees and short bar aprons from Premier, all available from the extensive range of customisable clothing by Pier32.

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